Life can get difficult but we are here to support
Read the inspiring story of Mr NH
Mr NH is a 61 years old male. He has the diagnosis of Chronic Schizophrenia, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Intellectual Disability, Insomnia, Depression, Memory problems, Speech problems, Hypertension, and Long-standing Obesity.
Mr NH’s family has reported that they are isolated and need support and opportunities to develop Mr NH’s everyday living skills. We are supporting Mr NH with his Support Independent Living Accommodation from 2020. We are also supporting him in personal care and he requires personal care assistance and daily living skills including having the right equipment to help him during daily activities.
He barely engages in any particular routine or activities on a daily basis. He requires to be able to continue working on his learning needs and physical issues. Mr NH has difficulties in all activities of daily living. He has difficulty expressing his needs, concerns, thoughts and feelings.
Mr NH is dependent on the support workers and needs close supervision for all aspects of his activities of daily living. He always needs to be accompanied on community access as he is at risk of becoming lost and unable to return home. When Mr NH becomes upset or frustrated, he may react aggressively towards the person next to him. At SPWD, the support workers try to help him manage his reaction and comfort him.
Mr NH has a non-English speaking background. The support workers who are familiar with his language talk to him in the same dialect.
We engaged Mr NH in the necessary social and daily living skills and are supporting him to live a life that is meaningful to him; with other people who have similar abilities. He participates in every activity with the support workers’ encouragement. Mr NH has learnt new skills to enhance his abilities in an environment with others who share similar life experiences.
SPWD and Mr NH are in the process of improving his social life, well-being and independence.